12 In Travels

Farewell Travel Tuesday

montage about me

Happy Travel Tuesday everyone!

It seems weird to think that this lovely link up is coming to an end. It had been dwindling down recently and I had been less interested/too busy to join as well, but nonetheless it was a constant in my blogging life. Like many other bloggers I’ve read, this was the first link ups I ever joined. I discovered some of my absolute favourite blogs through it. And as you know, I even met some of them in person and we have become friends! I was also a co-host for three months, with the lovely Amy and Jessi. It was so much fun!

In honour of this link up, today I thought I would share some of my favourite and most popular Travel Tuesday posts: 

My Tiny Traveller Posts Part 1 & Part 2

My recap on getting a private tour of the German Reischtag

When I surprised a few people with the fact that Santander isn’t just a bank

More recently the usual and unusual of life in Scotland

My reasons to add Chile to your travel bucket list

When I discovered I was in love with Glasgow

That time I saw a baby hippo play in the water on a safari in Africa

A very popular one – when my friends and I were looking for Tom Hanks in Roslin, Scotland

The time that I visited the absolute southernmost point in Africa

When I found a new family in Gijon, Spain

My ABCs of Travel

When I shared my absolute top 5 on my travel bucket list

My photo diary of the magnificent views we had from the train in the Highlands

One of my most popular posts to date – my realistic fashion guide to summer in Scotland

My photo diary of summer in Montreal

Visiting a penguin colony in Africa

Discovering the beauty and poetry of wine on an African wine tour

The first time I shared my ultimate Scottish bucket list

And surprising myself by choosing country in the themed-post ‘country vs city


P.S. I may look into starting a link up of my own soon – what would you think about that?

What were some of your favourite posts to read and share along this #TravelTuesday journey?xx

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