Big news y’all : today is my first blogiversary!!!!!!!!
Today officially marks one year since I started this little blog. A year ago I was sitting in my bed, unemployed, still in shock from having moved back to Montreal, the Brit had just left to return to Britain and I was sad and bored. So I pressed ‘publish’ on my first post on January 16th 2014. And I have to say, I never expected it to be such an amazing journey!
I didn’t take it too seriously at the beginning, but then by March I was posting almost daily and linking up with Travel Tuesday and Treat Yo’ Self Thursday and other various link ups. I started reading and commenting on more blogs. I started getting involved in this awesome community – and I regret nothing!
Today – January 16th 2015, well I’m back in the UK and I’m proud of my first year as a blogger, of all that I’ve learned and all that I have written and shared. TTIACF got a face lift of course, and now goes by Adventitious Violet, but under the surface it’s still the same stories and the same girl sharing her experiences and thoughts.
Your favourite posts:
The Boys Who Wouldn’t Grow Up Review
My Return to St Andrews in 10 Photos
Top 5 on my Travel Bucket List
Grad School : Expectations vs Reality
50 Items on my Scottish Bucket List
Reverse Bucket List
My favourite posts:
My ABCs of Travel
Tips & Tricks for Baking Macarons
Grad School & the Impostor Syndrome
Trip of a Lifetime
My Ode to St Andrews
Looking for Tom Hanks in Scotland
I also have the survey results – I thought this was a good time to share as it was a great way for me to look back on my first year of blogging from your perspective and help me for the future of this blog! And I have to say, I was expecting some and was surprised by other responses!
– 100% of people who answered the survey were women.
– 89% have blogs, and I certainly encourage the other 11% to start one!
– A whopping 74% were aged 25-34.
– I was shocked to hear that 50% aren’t expats! I didn’t expect that, but I appreciate that you follow along in my rants as a current expats.
– 50 % of you currently reside in North America and 39% in Europe. But I still highly appreciate the other 11% who live in either Africa, South America, Asia or Oceania!
– 58% read a few times a week, and with about 19% reading everyday and another 19% reading once a week.
– 42% have started reading in the last 3-6 months, with another 42% having started reading in my first six months of blogging – thank you for your loyalty!
– Among your favourite posts – well travel was a clear winner – but close behind was expat life and lifestyle posts.
– And finally, according to the stats, 53% of you want to read more about my expat life, 46% want to see more lifestyle posts and 42% travel posts. I will definitely try to keep up with those for sure!
Thank you again to all those of you who answered my little survey, it was very helpful! And I also highly appreciate that some of you took the time to write some constructive comments! See, to whoever wrote that, I did get my own domain! Yay! 🙂
I’m doing that a lot these days, but I do want to say again thank you to all my lovely followers, readers, commenters, friends, etc. You make this hard work truly worth it!
Cheers and here’s to another year of blogging!xx