8 In Goals

My Life in Agile | Sprint 5


Sprint 5! Another crazy fortnight has gone. It slowed down two days ago, but I’ve come down with a cold. I’ve been feeling miserable for the past two days, but still trying to have some relaxing time and some time to be productive. Which, I have to say, don’t fully go together. So, what have I been up to?

Here’s a look back on my goals for Sprint 5:

>> Read another 2 books
Yes. I read a fabulous book about growing your own herb garden – as it’s one of our plans for our next home. And I read a terrible chick lit book I won’t even bother remembering the name of.

>> Finish proofreading the Brit’s thesis
Yes we did it! It was quite the adventure, and I learnt a lot from reading his thesis actually. He submitted last week, so I’m very proud!

>> Write a proposal for a PhD
I’ve been working on that and it’s much more difficult than I expected. I realise that I need to do more reading, but I’m getting a clearer idea of what the project will (potentially) look like. The Brit is being super useful of course!

>> Blog 4 times and plan the next two weeks of blog posts
Urg I’ve been terrible in the past few weeks. I’ve been incredibly busy and the free time I have had, I haven’t had the energy. I’ve been feeling uninspired lately, or too tired to channel my inner inspiration. But I sat down yesterday and planned the next few weeks of blogs. Do you ever feel this way?

>> Book our Christmas trip – whether that’s Cuba or not
We haven’t booked anything yet, but we’re getting there. We’re waiting for the Brit to get his contract at work before we book any final dates. We figured out that we’ll be going to Cuba in April (much cheaper!). We’re going to spend Christmas with the Brit’s family in England and New Year’s in Czech Republic. Yay!

>> Write another 5 pages for my St Andrews brochure
I’ve only written 2 pages. BUT I’ve gone back to fiction writing as well and am quite proud of the balance.

What I learnt from Sprint 5:

>> This one is ongoing, but I’m trying to learn to let go. Let go of perfection, let go of planning everything (says the girl with the life in agile series) and let go of having to do everything on my ‘to-do lists’.

What’s coming up next for Sprint 6?

We’re taking it quite relaxed over the next two weeks. The Brit’s parents are coming up soon and we’re celebrating his 30th again. That should be nice!

>> Finish that proposal
>> Read 2 books
>> Keep up with the blog reading
>> Write the first draft for a short story
>> Book a holiday (any of them!)
>> Finish those 5 pages of my St Andrews brochure

What have you been up to lately? Any goals you want to achieve this week?xx

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