10 In Life/ University & Grad School

7 Advices for New Graduates

7 advices new graduates

Lately, at work, there have been lots of talk about graduation, which is coming around the corner. In the spirit of things, I started watching some commencement speeches on youtube. Like with everything, it’s easy to keep clicking and keep clicking.

What I found were hilarious, impassioned, encouraging, and well meaning speeches. From JK Rowling who said that living a life without failure is a failure of its own, to Natalie Portman who said that inexperience can be your strength, to Conan O’Brien who mentioned how going outside your comfort zone can be absolutely rewarding.

I first graduated from uni 4 years ago almost to the day, and then again about a year and a half ago. They were at two different stages of my life and yet they felt very similar. While I struggled with the transition and still do in many ways, I have learnt a lot since.

Here are my 7 advices for new graduates:


Take a moment to realise that what you have accomplished is huge and to congratulate yourself. After all the hard work, it’s time to celebrate before diving head first into job search and all of the other things that some people call ‘real life’. It’s good to also take a moment to reflect on the great skills you may have gotten out of your degree, though some may say it’s ‘useless’.


Some people you knew in college aren’t meant to stay in your life – that happens at every stage of life and that’s okay. However, the people who really touched you and that you want to stay in your life, you have to make a conscious effort to keep in touch with. They might be your friends for life.


Once you leave college, I found it’s important to find something to be inspired by. Either to get hobbies and get passions that lay elsewhere than the main centre of your life. Or find a job that inspires you so much it feels like a hobby. During my time home last year, I took up blogging and it’s definitely a great experience that makes me so happy!


You don’t have to listen to what other expect of you and get put down by what others think ‘real life’ is. Yes, we all know that one way or another we have to pay the bills, either those are loans, a flat in the city, or food. While I sometimes feel a bit stuck in that trap, it’s so important to keep an open mind and find your own way.


I have been very very critical of myself since finishing either of my degrees and I think it’s so important to realise that you are your own worst critic. I read this post recently on how to silence your inner critic and it was an eye-opening moment when I realised I would never tell ‘child Camila’ that she’s getting what she deserves in life because perhaps she doesn’t deserve anything better. You can and will achieve great things!


Maybe I’m a nerd but I think it’s so important to keep learning and keep challenging yourself throughout your life. Whether it’s working on improving some skills at work, learning a new skill, a new language, or even just reading a bunch or having smart conversations with people close to you.


Don’t take yourself too seriously. In general, life works out. Life sucks sometimes yes, but life can also surprise you in different ways. Something bad may happen, but that might lead to something better and one day you’ll have no choice but to say ‘if this one bad thing hadn’t happened, well I wouldn’t be in this great spot of my life now’.

These are my words of wisdom. Now, go out in ‘real life’, be proud and brave and conquer the world.

What advice would you give a new graduate?xx

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