0 In University & Grad School

St Andrews Bucket List: Student Edition

Last week I wrote a post about the wonderful things people should do on their {highly encouraged} visit to St Andrews. Today, I have a few items, in addition to that list, to give as a guide for prospective or current students of the university!


1. Partake in any of the quirky traditions.

Whether it’s getting adopted, doing May Dip or getting into a fight with some foam, there is so much fun to be had and a great sense of community to be found with those traditions. You can view any of my posts about the St Andrews student traditions (here, here and here) to know more about them. I can promise that in retrospect, you’ll regret not running into the sea!

2. Attend a student show.

Whether it’s an a-cappella show, a theatre performance of the Vagina Monologues or an open air performance of a Shakespearean play, an open mic night or a fashion show, there is something for every taste. The social/cultural life of St Andrews relies heavily on the students and I can say that they really put everything they got in it. So much talent and it’s worth encouraging!

3. Get crazy at the Bop/Lizard.

So St Andrews is famous for being a student town with only one club, the Lizard. I managed to only make it there once and it was great fun! The Bop is the weekly (themed) dance at the student union and I sadly never made it!

4. Learn to golf.

What better place to learn how to golf than at the home of golf? The university partners with the St Andrews Links Academy to bring very affordable golf lessons to students.

5. Dress up for a ball.

St Andrews students create their own opportunities to party with the massive amount of balls students throw through the year. It starts with the Opening Ball in October and ends with the May Ball in June, with every possible themed ball in between (whether it’s for Christmas, Circus themed or a Welly ball). It’s fun and they are always great opportunities to dress up, party and take a break from the studies. It’s always a bit expensive, but usually the free food, the rides, the music make it all worth it, and the profit usually go to charity!

6. Get a jesus toastie.

Unsure if this is offensive….anyhow! The Toastie Bar is a must that every student must know about! The Christian Union of the university brings cheap toasties all through the night (well until 2am) every Friday through the semester at the Baptist Church on South Street. It’s delicious, it’s cheap (50p a toastie) and is the best possible way of ending your nights out (it also was right in front of my flat!).

7. Bonfires/bbq on the beach.

In the summer these became my favourites! We had countless bbq, whether it was in my backyard or at the beach, and it was always a great time with friends! Bonfires were many in the summer months as well! I had never been to a bonfire before and I must say I wasn’t disappointed! There was the solstice bonfire where everyone showed up, the countless small bonfires we had because my closest friends lived directly by the sea and so we were always on the beach (hmmm smores!). I have great memories of sitting in the sand, passing around a bottle of wine and chatting away through the night! I would personally suggest castle sands, because it is sheltered from the wind by the cliffs.

8. The pier jump.

I’m kind of terrified of falling so I never did this one (I think I get away with it because I did May Dip!), but it’s apparently a must! I saw the gorgeous pictures of people who did it (in the summer if you’re smart 😉 ) and it looked like so much fun! Especially if you’re a big group of crazy jumpers!


Obviously, I don’t condone breaking the law, but…

9. Steal the 18th hole flag from the old course.

Something I never did nor attempted. But I heard it’s a rite of passage for many undergrads!

10. Climb into the castle at night to watch the stars and pass around a bottle of wine — suggested by a fellow St Andrean, the lovely Supal of Chevrons & Eclairs.

I heard of so many people doing that and yet I never did it! I guess I preferred the vicinity of the water and the seclusion of the beach. However, I must say that the castle is so eerie at night and I hear it’s lots of fun to try to make your way inside it.


Did I forget anything?? Where there must-dos in your university town? Rites of passage/traditions/must attend events? xx

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