14 In Films & TV/ Travels

Movies to inspire travel close and far

If you didn’t know it already, I love to watch tv and movies. I think it’s mostly because I love storytelling, I love beautiful images, and emotional scenes. What I love even more is combining two of my favourite things into one, travel and films. I’ve picked 9 today, but there are so many more movies to inspire travel, close and far!

movies to inspire travel

>> Chasing Liberty
Aw it all started with this one when I was a tween. I wanted to backpack with a hot British dude in Europe (ha! look at me now 14-year-old Camila!). It’s a silly but fun movie with beautiful scenes across Europe.

>> Little Miss Sunshine
This is the ultimate family road trip movie. It’s touching, it’s frustrating, and it’s hilarious. It also poses some amazing questions about life and society. No wonder it was nominated and won so many awards.

>> Midnight in Paris
While not a travel movie per say (though there is some time travel I guess…), it is an enchanting movie about how we discover ourselves by visiting new places. It broadens our mind and inspires us. Also bonus point for being a literary movie!

>> A Walk in the Woods
I have come to really love Bill Bryson and this is based on one of his book/adventures. I liked it enough, but my parents thought it was hilarious – I think it’s an age thing. While I have no interest in hiking the Appalachian trail, it’s another movie about both a physical and mental journey.

>> The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
This movie is one of my favourite movies of the last few years. If you haven’t seen it yet, please stop reading and go watch it right away! It’s the story of a man who is often stuck in his head, but one day, an event pushes him to take a leap of faith and head on a journey. It’s both beautiful and absurd, but contains some gorgeous landscapes from around the world.

>> Lost in Translation
I’m still unsure whether I liked this one or not, but I thought it seemed like a more realistic and grounded movie regarding culture shock and travel. It’s very raw, more than most of the other movies on this list, but it’s fascinating.

>> Stardust
I love this movie! Every time I watch it I’m amazed by how well-crafted it is – no wonder since it was based on a novel by Neil Gaiman. It’s a magical tale of epic proportion and while I haven’t read the book yet, the film will enchant you.

>> The Motorcycle Diaries
This movie is based on a memoir by Ernesto Guevara, which recounts his motorcycle trip around Latin America in the 1950s. Two young men leave on a trip and end up learning much more than they expected, witnessing poverty and inequality. It’s a beautiful movie about finding conviction to believe in egalitarianism.

>> The Fundamentals of Caring
I watched this one the other day on Netflix and it was an enjoyable and light ‘coming-of-age’ (of sorts) and road trip movie. Paul Rudd and the rest of the cast do a pretty good job in this. As in many other road trip movies, a band of misfits joins together, but I like that in this one it deals with some serious issues such as death and disability.

What is your favourite travel movie? Did I miss one you love?xx

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