23 In Food & Recipes

Arlettes | Bake Off Bake Along

Happy Monday everyone!

I’m quite happy this morning as I’m actually on holiday yay! I have a friend from Canada visiting and so I took a few days off of work to do things along with her.

However, before she arrived on Friday night I took what I had of my evening to participate in this Great British Bake Off Bake Along hosted by Amanda and Ala.

I have only watched GBBO once in my life and that still hasn’t changed sadly. I didn’t take the time to view the episode this week but I looked up all the recipes the contestants did. I decided that the arlettes looked like the most interesting recipe of them all – and also I have been obsessed with doing a recipe with maple syrup recently and it looked the best option to customise. 

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I won’t share the recipe here because it wasn’t original, but you can find the original arlettes recipe from Paul Hollywood here

I thought it looked so complicated, but when taking the time to read the recipe properly, it was fairly simple. The main thing it needed was a LOT of patience since you had to put the pastry in the fridge to cool for nearly two hours in total. 

I loved learning the book turn recipe and basically how to make this beautiful fluffy puff pastry. Some great skills I’m happy to have learnt! 

The only way I customised it was by trying to make it a little more Canadian and coating half the batch in maple syrup. Note: I only did half because I didn’t want to ruin them all in case it didn’t work out…

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One of the main problems of not watching the episode was perhaps that I didn’t exactly know what I was making. I saw the photo and when I saw my final result I could tell it didn’t look exactly the same as the original (his looked a lot thinner and crispier for some reason). However, they tasted amazing! 

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In the end, I am super happy and proud that I was able to make these despite not knowing what arlettes and some of the techniques involved were!

What did you bake along?xx


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