Looking back at 2017, I have to say it’s been an intense year. Yet again, I won’t even go into the political shit show that is the world stage at the moment. If anything, I will say it’s opened my eyes. To the bubble I live in, to my own privilege, but also to living life more concerned with kindness and open-mindedness.
Personally though, it’s been a pretty kick ass year.
I got my spouse visa, got engaged, bought a home, got multiple job offers and travelled through 6 different countries. That’s pretty good, isn’t it?
The year obviously started on a low for me. I was home in Canada and still expecting my visa. But by February I finally got it, flew back to Scotland and got reunited with the Brit. I started working again, which felt great! That allowed me to save money to travel more. In September, we bought our first home together and moved in in October. On St Andrew’s Day in St Andrews, the Brit proposed and we’re officially planning our wedding now. And we’ve just spent our fifth Christmas and New Year’s eve together. Pretty good indeed.
Travelling in 2017
I started the year in Canada, trying to make the most of being home in Montreal. My friend from Flavour and Flare invited me along to a few of the events she was invited to. I went out brunching a lot. And spent much appreciated time with my family.
I flew back to Scotland in February. We travelled quite a lot in 2017, visiting new places in Edinburgh and Glasgow. We also spent a week down in Dumfries and Galloway, a region I’d never been to.
In June we went across the North Sea to Denmark. I’ve been obsessed with moving to Denmark, so it was great to visit Copenhagen. I’m even more committed now to move to Scandinavia.
In August, we attended a wedding in Leiden, in the Netherlands. It was a fabulous moment to celebrate, but also to satisfy more wanderlust. I fell in love with Leiden, and the Brit and I visited Amsterdam.
We spent Christmas down in England. Eating our weight in food at the Brit’s family home and spending Boxing Day in Sheffield at his brother’s.
And lastly, we’re currently in Sweden to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Stockholm. We’re relaxing in our little forest cabin but also dipping in and out of Stockholm to see the best it has to offer.
Working Hard in 2017
I feel that work wise, 2017 has been a win.
When I got my spouse visa, I applied to about 20-25 jobs. From those, I got 10 interviews. That’s pretty good stats if you ask me. I was then offered 5 of those jobs and got to take two of them up. I got my first job as an editor, which felt like finally being hired for what I do best.
Now I work for a bank. Which isn’t cool – let’s be fully honest here. But it’s allowed me to save money to move home, to travel and to spoil those I love most. Late wedding presents, engagement present to my man, and some little treats for my family.
It’s also allowed me to hone my digital skills for editing, and publishing written and media content. They’ve even paid for a front-end development course I took this autumn. I’m pretty lucky!
Blogging in 2017
I wrote 74 blog posts, which is more than I thought as I often neglected it along the year! January was filled with disappointment as I awaited my visa, but the silver lining was that I had plenty of time to spend on my blog. It was in the best state it has ever been!
I launched my free resource library. At first I thought I wanted it available for those who signed up for my blog, but I’ve since made it available for all.
Most popular posts on the blog:
>> A Guide to Brunching in Montreal
>> Guide to Spending A Long Weekend in Denver
>> Applying for UK Visas
>> Glasgow Getaway with CitizenM
>> One Hour in a Sensory Deprivation Bath
Reading in 2017
I read a bit less than I thought in 2017. It seems I went crazy last January and put my reading goal at 60. I only managed 51. You can read my reviews here, here and here.
Here were my favourite reads of the year:
>> Homegoing, Yaa Gyasi
>> Then Come Back: The Lost Neruda Poems, Pablo Neruda
>> We Should All Be Feminists, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
>> The Year of Living Danishly, Helen Russell
>> The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, Becky Chambers
+ all the hygge books I could get my hands on
Favourite moments of 2017:
Looking back at 2017, there are so many moments I’m proud of. But also moments that when I look back at them, I can’t help but smile, or cry, whichever feels more appropriate.
>> Receiving my visa. I cried of happiness, then I cried of devastation that I had to leave home again.
>> Abseiling down the Forth Rail Bridge for charity.
>> Getting engaged in St Andrews, on St Andrew’s Day.
>> Walking in the sunshine in Leiden.
>> Standing at the edge of Scotland at the Mull of Galloway.
>> Eating all the fabulous street food in Copenhagen.
>> Starting to feel like home in our new home.
Happy New Year! What’s your favourite memory from 2017?xx