0 In Books & Writing

Some Thoughts on Novel Writing

some thoughts novel writing

If y’all don’t know yet, I’m working a a novel.

I studied Creative writing a little bit in university and have been an aspiring novel writer my entire life. While I’ve been working on various novels for the past 16 years, since July I’ve been focusing and working on one particular novel and I’m about 100 pages in right now.

Today, I thought that I would share some thoughts on novel writing. Perhaps it goes for every kind of writing, but this is highly based around my novel writing process.


This could not be repeated enough. While I was on my retreat vacay in Gaspesie, I set myself the goal of at least 1000 words every day. I even exceeded it some days. I ended up writing 20k that way. Since being back in the city, it has gone down the drain a bit. However, having a goal is sometimes unhealthy because with it comes self-critic, etc. Despite that, I do believe that it’s so important to set time aside every day. You could write 100 words or 5 000, the importance is to make sure to write.


Like everything in life, one needs to exercise their pencil. This of course goes hand in hand with writing every day. In CW class, we were always due to attempt an exercise or two for each class, whether they were exercise for writing, dialogue, plotting, or inspiration. Sometimes it’s simply starting a dialogue from an overheard thought, or starting a story from a photo, etc. You never know where it might lead you! Do let me know if you are interested in having some exercise ideas!


If there is one thing that CW class taught me, it’s that inspiration can be found everywhere. You all probably already know about this, as bloggers it truly is the same. You can find inspiration in a cup of tea, or a favourite movie, or even in a personal relationship. Always be attuned to those moments of inspiration. The simple exercises from the previous point will help with that as well.


I have issues with this one. A ‘good story,’ from my teacher’s definition, always has conflict. Well apparently I was am terrible at that. One day in class, I presented a short story and a peer stated the story had no point. Offence taken! While ‘conflict’ can be described/interpreted in different manners, I don’t think that a story without a conflict doesn’t have a point. But that’s perhaps thoughts for another day.

I love writing about the little moments of life and sometimes that means the story is without end. Which I know is bad! I’m having this issue with my current novel. It’s another reason for why I stopped writing for a bit. I’m currently pondering over the question “Where is this all going?”


As much as planning and wondering where your story is going or where your ‘conflict’ is, the most important thing, in my mind, is to let it flow. By ‘it’, I mean your heart, or perhaps just your fingers over the keyboard. There will be time to re-read and edit and think – but the words need to be let loose first.

Do you have an advice to share about novel writing?xx 

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