We’re just back from a holiday in the Netherlands and I’m having trouble readjusting to daily life. Mostly because I’ve had a tough day back to work, but also because it was such a wonderful holiday.
It’s actually difficult to even describe how good I felt whilst on holiday. I was tired and my body hurt from so much walking, but despite it all, I was so happy. Like properly happy. I think it’s because from the start we didn’t have expectations. We didn’t plan this holiday, we kind of just stumbled into it. We were attending a wedding and decided to stay a bit longer. That lack of ‘obligations’ to enjoy our holiday and visit everything really made me feel relaxed. Also, the (for once) fortunate timing of our holiday coincided with four full days of beautiful weather. Sun always improves my mood!
Because these posts are always very popular, here are my random thoughts on the Netherlands*:
– Dutch people are tall, even the Brit felt small.
– This is a country that makes damn good cheese! We may have possibly brought some a lot back with us…
– I loved Leiden so much, it has the cool young people, the beauty, the history. It basically has it all.
– I think Leiden was better than Amsterdam, and easier to get to from Schiphol, which is always great in my book.
– Dutch people really love their tanning, some people looked positively leathery.
– The obsession with scooters baffled me and why are they even allowed on cycling path. Anyone understands?
– I found it a bit sad that all museums were so expensive! We didn’t visit any for that reason.
– However, walking around felt like a wonderful open air museum because it’s so beautiful.
– The beach in Leiden was beautiful, I recommend it! And the water was gorgeously warm.
– Amsterdam smells #sorrynotsorry.
– I definitely can’t speak Dutch. Alsjeblieft, Dutchies!
*Please forgive all my generalisations! 😉
Have you ever been to the Netherlands?xx