0 In Food & Recipes

Pan Amasado Recipe | Treat Yo’ Self Thursday

Hi y’all! Happy Thursday!

Since today is all about treating ourselves – I thought I would share the recipe of one of the things that always makes me happy : bread!

The other day on Amanda‘s blog, I read about her attempts at making ciabatta and that inspired me to share the story of the last time I made bread with my dad, earlier in the year. I wish we could make some now, but the weather is still scorching in Montreal so we try not to use the oven too much!

So this particular bread is a type of Chilean bread, which, obviously, in our household we just call bread. Pan amasado are like little buns of deliciousness! The book is a book that my dad got in Chile, I think, and the recipe is from that. My grandma taught my dad how to make bread then he taught me 🙂 It’s a big family thing!

pan amasado recipe


5 cups of flour
2 tablespoons of lard (tenderflake if you have that brand)
1 cup of lukewarm milk
1 cup of lukewarm water
2 teaspoons of salt
4 teaspoons of yeast
1/4 cup of lukewarm water
1/2 teaspoon of granulated sugar


-Mix the yeast with the sugar and dilute in the 1/4 cup of lukewarm water. Let it rest for 5-10 minutes.

-Mix the rest of the ingredients together. Add the yeast mixture.  Mix well until you obtain a soft dough.

-Make you sure knead the dough A LOT! It was the difficult part for me, but thankfully I had my dad there, with his strong arms, to help!

-Divide the dough in 12 portions (or more, depending on how big you want your buns). You can obviously keep kneading at this stage. Make balls with the portions and flatten them, making sure they are 2cm thick. Let it rest for about 20-30 minutes.

-Put in the oven at 325F for about 20 minutes (depending on your oven).

recipe ingredients

pre dough

bread dough recipe

pre-cooking result

As you see in the picture in the recipe book and in the dough, it is typical to leave fork marks on the break, makes it cuter 😉 I sadly don’t have a picture of the finished result! I really need to try and remind myself to take photos the minute it comes out of the oven – I keep forgetting and then everyone eats the result and there is nothing left to photography! I’m a bad food photographer, but perhaps one day I will learn!  At least you can see the buns in the recipe book in the first photo!

Have you ever had Chilean bread??xx

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