0 In Expat Life/ Films & TV

8 Movies that Romanticised the UK for Me

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Wednesday is all about ‘Expating’, and this post has been in my drafts for a long while now!  You must know by now that I am addicted to movies. You probably also know that I dreamed of moving to the UK for so long before I moved to St Andrews. If you unite those two interests, you have me fascinated by movies that romanticised the UK and made me want to experience like there! Here is my top 8 – in alphabetical order.

about time

About Time (2013)  //  I saw this movie last year when I was staying with the Brit in England and I forced him to come along. We both liked it. Actually, I loved it and bawled my eyes out.  I had a discussion with a British friend about the fact that this movie doesn’t represent British life AT ALL. Of course, I don’t know! However, I thought it represented life so well, the emotions, the ups and downs, the little moments that do happen in life. The time travel thing is just a tool for them to achieve this story. If you haven’t watched it, I highly recommend it!

bridget jones

Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001) // I only watched this movie earlier this year and I laughed so much! I mean no one is this clueless and ridiculous – but it makes for darn funny situations! I also love how it shows around London and outside the city, with the beautiful properties, etc. It made me dream of being there! I recently watched the second movie and it was also hilarious!

an education

An Education (2009) // I remember watching this movie a few years ago and being enthralled by the story. It’s weird, but seductive and touching. It showed a side of British society and life that really fascinated me. I’m also a sucker for a good coming of age story and this is a brilliant one!

harry potter

Harry Potter (2001-2011) // This goes without saying, if you know me. I’ve basically wanted to move to the UK ever since I read the books and started seeing the movies of this series. Okay, correction – I wanted to get on a train in King’s Cross and end up at Hogwarts. I guess taking the train to end up at St Andrews was the closest I’ll get to that 😉

the holiday

The Holiday (2006) // So one of the best parts of this movie is the British cast. I loved Winslet’s character and her quintessential English country home as well! Her story is the one that touched me the most.  We get to discover more of her world as Diaz’s character arrives in England, and I loved seeing the funny thing that happens when you’re a foreigner in Britain (i.e. the driving scene).

notting hillNotting Hill (1999) // I’m not a big fan of this movie, mainly because I’m not a big fan of both actors – however, I love the London showed in this movie. The little markets, the parks and Notting Hill in general. I also love the flat and the bookshop. I guess it says a lot about my addiction to books that it is my favourite part of the movie, right?

pride and prejudice

Pride and Prejudice (2005) // I know everyone says the TV adaption with Colin Firth is better bla bla, but I watched this movie beforehand and loved it! First, I’m obsessed with Joe Wright’s work as a director, he’s amazing! Two, I loved Macfadyen and Knightley’s tango as Darcy and Elizabeth. I love the era as well, with the dances and the dresses, and this movie offers splendid views of the English countryside!

shakespeare in love

Shakespeare in Love (1998) // I do love a good Shakespearean play – but this was so romanticised and full of references to what I studied in Shakespeare class (I studied Shakespeare for about 3 semesters in uni for some reason). I love to rewatch and find new references as well! And the chemistry between Fiennes and Paltrow is just so touching! While I don’t think I’d ever want to live in that era, I love the passion for theatre and live performance shown in this film!

What is your favourite British movie?xx

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