Happy Monday! This post is coming a little later than usual in the day, because honestly this last week has been completely mad! We came back from Copenhagen and then went out multiple times for my birthday and the film festival and we were out all weekend in Edinburgh as well. This morning I had my first early morning shift #wokeupat5 so this is the first chill time I’ve had in a while!
Jessi pointed out that I planned a lot for my first sprint – especially with a trip out of the country, birthday and festival-goings…and she was right! That said I think my first sprint went pretty well! I didn’t achieve all my tickets goals but the process has made me feel more motivated and more accountable for what I am / am not doing. It’s also making me aware of how I handle my time management (or lack there of).
Here’s a look back on my goals for Sprint 1:
|| Blog twice a week ||
I almost achieved that one! I had written a blog post about Culzean Castle before heading to Denmark, but ran out of time to edit photos so it only came live last Friday. Slight poor time management on my side, but also just running out of time in general with everything else going on.
|| Read a book ||
Sad to say I didn’t manage this one. My book reading’s taken a massive slump in the last two months. I really thought I could manage to read something on holiday, but I’ve been so exhausted that I fall asleep the minute my head hits the pillow.
|| Read an article for my PhD ||
I did! I read the article called ‘Feminist dance criticism and ballet’ and it was interesting. Not sure it will be entirely relevant to my proposal, but it was a great read nonetheless.
|| Draft a plot outline for my play ||
I did this one too! It’s similar to what I thought of earlier in February when I started writing, but I’ve tried to make it clearer.
What I learnt from Sprint 1:
|| I need to use my time better ||
Duh! But honestly, I watch a lot of Netflix on the train – I think I could do with a Netflix break and just read one of the 100 books on my bedside table instead.
|| I need more sleep ||
I’ve been exhausted which has been hindering my productivity levels. Sleeping more should help all aspects of my life.
|| I need to dedicate time to certain tasks ||
I want to make more time for reading, writing and photo editing. These three tasks are important to me and my hobbies (#bloggingbabes) and I think I have to make dedicated time slots when I work on that and when my attention isn’t caught by something else.
What about Sprint 2?
I’m excited to head into sprint 2. My goals aren’t original after last week and it doesn’t feel like much because our next two weeks are pretty free actually. Here are my goals for sprint 2:
>> Blog twice a week
>> Finish reading a book
>> Read 2 articles for my PhD
>> Catch up on the 97 (I know, the shame!) blog posts I’ve missed lately…
Do you have any goals for the week ahead? Feel free to share them below!xx