8 In Goals

My Life in Agile | Sprint 4


I’m back with a look over on another Life in Agile sprint. Sprint 4 was mostly defined by me being too busy to handle my life. We didn’t even do groceries in the last two weeks, much less care about my Agile sprint. We were in the Netherlands, enjoying life, for 4 days, and then some friends of mine from Canada were here for 5 days. Add to that a few days of hecticness at work (like having to go in at 5.30am) and you get an exhausted and overwhelmed girl. I mostly read a lot on the train and tried to sleep as much as possible when I was home.

Here’s a look back on my goals for Sprint 4:

>> Blog four times
And yet again I’ve reached 3 posts without managing a fourth one on the last Friday. Mostly because I got too busy and I was too last minute with writing it.

>> Proofread my Brit’s thesis
This is in progress. The Brit is in the last few days of his PhD! I’m so damn proud!

>> Finish two books
I read The Year of Living Danishly and Brooklyn. They were both really good and I read through both really quickly. They also both have a theme of immigration, which I found really compelling.

>> Book our next trip
Before we went on our trip to the Netherlands I thought we’d book our Christmas trip when we came back, but it’s been a hectic blur since, with problems at work and friends staying with us from abroad. The prices for the trip to Cuba have gone up, so we’re reconsidering. We’ll have a discussion and decide to book/not book.

>> Keep up with blog reading
I’ve not managed to get to zero-blog, but I’ve mostly managed to stay on top of things. 

>> Write 5 pages of my St Andrews guide
I did! It’s what I’m most proud of! Having this small and realistic goal made me so focused and I wrote them pretty quickly. This could mean I can actually manage this 40+ pages brochure in the next few weeks/months.

What I learnt from Sprint 4:

>> Learn my lessons
I’m learning that I should be learning from my mistakes. Twice in a row, I’ve made the same poor decision to keep my last blog post for the last minute and both times that has meant I haven’t posted. I know this is a problem of mine and yet I’m not learning.

>> Importance of understanding my own schedule
Being busy on both weekends of my sprint should tell me to not over-schedule. That’s when I’m most productive usually, so this sprint took a bit of a dip because of it. Understanding my own schedule and my own work patterns should help me schedule realistic goals.

What’s coming up next for Sprint 5?

In the next two weeks we don’t have that much plan, but it’s going to be the Brit’s 30th birthday so I may have a few things up my sleeve to surprise him.

>> I want to write a proposal for a PhD
>> Read another 2 books
>> Book our Christmas trip – whether that’s Cuba or not
>> Finish proofreading the Brit’s thesis
>> Blog 4 times and plan the next two weeks of blog posts
>> Write another 5 pages for my St Andrews brochure

Do you have any goals in the weeks ahead?xx

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