Hi everyone!
My days as a Travel Tuesday co-hosts are now coming to an end, but do not despair, I have plenty to share with you for the following Tuesdays, so stay tuned! 🙂 hint hint a new series starts next Tuesday!
Today is the day that I finally finish my series about my German exchange – Berlin 2007-2008! It will end with the last day trip I took, which was about 4 days before we were to take the plane back to Montreal. A friend of mine was partnered with a girl whose family was from Leipzig and when her mother and her decided to head off for a day trip, my friend invited me to join. I was more than happy to tag along to discover more of Germany!
Leipzig is a town in Saxony of about half a million people. It is about 150km south of Berlin. It was founded in the 12th century and it has had a trade tradition for centuries and centuries. While I didn’t think there was going to be anything exceptional there, I was happily surprised and pleased by all the culture that this city oozes. Both Goethe and Bach have strong ties to this city. It is also well known for its gorgeous architecture – from all its churches and museums. They do town halls like no one else!
It was one of those grey days January knows so well – and it got dark very quickly. But I remember walking around the city centre and finding it beautiful, and perhaps slightly eerie. I also remember a pretty amazing pasta meal – although I really couldn’t tell you where exactly we ate.

Goethe studied in Leipzig
It was a fun getaway from Berlin – a bit slower pace and yet just as interesting! I think Leipzig is a very underrated town – or perhaps even unknown to many – but I really found it gorgeous! It was fascinating to learn about the history and the culture there and hopefully one day I get to go back to see more of it!
Ever been to Leipzig? What’s your favourite town in Germany?xx
Welcome to the Travel Tuesday linkup! This is my last week as co-host so I want to thank all of you for joining and commenting and being so amazing! And of course, thanks to my fellow co-hosts Jessi and Amy! I’m a big fan of both of their blogs now! And last but not least, thanks to the wonderful Bonnie, the girl behind this linkup we all love so much!
We have chosen 3 new co-hosts for the coming months, so go check out Bonnie’s blog to see if you’ve been nominated!
1. SHARE a post about travel! From road trips to trips abroad and from past travels to dream vacations. You can write about travel tips and tricks, favourite places to stay, or anything in between! Just make it about traveling somewhere!
2. GRAB the lovely button above. If you run into trouble, just make sure to mention Bonnie, Jessi, Amy, and Camila in a link!
3. LINKUP goes live every Tuesday at 0800 GMT. Make sure to visit the host and cohosts’ blogs and visit around!
1. Please only one linked up post per blogger. Save other posts for future linkups!
2. The last Tuesday of every month will be a themed prompt if you want to join in!
3. HOP around and meet new travel loving bloggers! Check back to visit some of the newer travel posts!
You can access the Travel Tuesday linkup through the link below! –>