0 In Life

July Recap in 11 Photos

Hi again! Two posts in one day, my gosh, what’s wrong with me?! 😉

I love monthly recaps so I thought I would make it a thing on my blog! June was very decent as I was finally reunited with the Brit and celebrated my 25th birthday! July ended up also being a pretty eventful month, mostly because I didn’t expect it to be and so it all took me by surprise!


When I left off in June during my recap I had told you about all the wonderful things I did with the Brit in Canada. By July we were heading on a short trip before coming back to Montreal for his departure towards the UK!

We headed to St-Elie-de-Caxton a small village in the Central region of Quebec. It’s a tiny village in the middle of nowhere and it has became famous because of the storyteller that comes from there. Fred Pellerin charmed the whole of Quebec with his weird stories made up around the different inhabitants of his native village. Some of his tales have even been made into movies!  It is such a cute town and it is a definite must if you come visit Quebec for a longer (over a week obviously) period of time! I would although advise only going if you speak French – a tour of the town is offered with an audioguide narrated by the famous storyteller himself and his accent is kind of rough. The place is famous for : its elf crossing, its peppermint tree and as the one and only place where they grow/harvest saffron in Quebec and Canada.


view on the tiny town from the belvedere


the Brit looking skeptical in front of the peppermint tree

After spending an afternoon there, we headed to see Quebec City. It’s such a wonderful place and I was so happy to bring the Brit to see Quebec in the summertime! Explanation: he was here for the winter holidays and when we visited Quebec there was freezing rain and it was such a crappy day!



The next day we went to show the Montmorency Falls to the Brit – a must if you’re in the region of Quebec City! It’s just about 10 minutes away and it’s so beautiful! We went up to the bridge and it’s so cool (scary?) to walk above those falls on the suspended bridge! Did you know that it is much taller than the Niagara Falls??


The rest of my time with the Brit was spent at the pool, me writing the blog and him playing music, we finished the 6th Harry Potter and started the 7th, we watched some fireworks and of course we said goodbye in a teary fashion (well on my part anyway).


If you’ve followed the blog for over a month, you’ll know I suddenly left on a holiday after the Brit left! Work didn’t work out (ironically) and my parents were going to our country home, so I thought I would join! The thought of no Internet was definitely daunting, but I brought 9 books along and hoped we’d spend days on the beach!

It ends up I finished 7 books while on the trip, watched the 3 seasons Breaking Bad I had on my computer and wrote over 15 000 words for my novel. Go me!


Yes yes I enjoyed the outdoors a little bit too!  We went to the beach every two days or so and it was lots of fun! The sea was sooo cold but I got in every time and it really helped cool us down during the hot days we’ve lived in July!


We also really enjoyed the river which is just down the road. It really reminded me of my youth and it was so much fun swimming around in the clean water of the river!


We ate some amazing seafood! Yes those are a prawn hot dog and a crab hot dog!


We saw some fauna as well…


We also made a lovely bonfire on top of the property and sat down in the dark to watch the shooting stars. This also definitely reminded me of my childhood!


I don’t think I could have asked for better holidays in the sun!

How was your month of July?xx

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