8 In Expat Life

Expat Diaries | What’s been going on lately

May has been quite the month at our home, and while I write this, I realise we’re halfway through June. Where has time gone honestly? Both the Brit and I were on a finishing deadline with our respective tasks – me finishing my publications at work and the Brit trying to finish his last few thesis chapters. That meant that we didn’t make a lot of plans – we just mostly spent our weekends home. Which has been weirdly refreshing, though uneventful. That doesn’t mean loads has been going on with us – here is a quick update of what’s been going on lately.

expat diaries - what's been going on lately


I finished my contract as the publications editor for the Edinburgh International Film Festival. It was so cool! I managed my last few edits on a Sunday and then on the Monday I was starting at my new job. So you can imagine it was intense.


Good thing is that a week into my new job, the Brit and I left for a holiday in the South West coast of Scotland. The Brit’s parents rented a cottage near Stranrear, Galloway. I spent 5 days there because I had to come back for work, but the Brit is still down there with his family. There will be many posts to come about all our adventures!

UK life

I voted for the first time in the UK! And I didn’t vote Conservatives ha! But the conservatives got in in my constituency unfortunately. I’ve had such mixed feelings about the whole election results. Tories got so many more seats in Scotland and that is gutting. What is wrong with people honestly. Even if you’re against independence, if that makes you vote for the Tories you have very strange logic. Very happy to see Jeremy Corbyn get more Labour seats though!

I also applied for my British driving licence. It’s been about a month and I’m meant to pick up my package tomorrow morning from the post office, so fingers crossed it actually includes my brand new driving licence.


It’s been a bit up and down since I came back to Britain, but with this new job and new routine, I’m finally getting a handle on things. Lately it’s been going well and I feel happy with it, not overwhelmed. I’ve also transferred all the blogs I follow onto Feedly because I’m done with Bloglovin’. Follow me here!


We’re in the process of selling our flat and trying to buy a new one. We’re hoping to upgrade to a two bedroom, but we shall see what the budget dictates. We were first looking in Edinburgh (because: Edinburgh obviously!) but prices are exorbitant, so we’re looking in Stirling at the moment. We shall see what happens!


I’ve been going back to reading. It helps that my job doesn’t include proofreading anymore. I swear my eyes were bleeding at the end of my editing contract (which I weirdly enjoyed) so I just couldn’t read when I got home. Being on holiday helped me get back into the healthy habit of reading before going to bed. I just sleep much better that way.

Goal setting

On Monday I’m starting a new blog series about goal setting and accountability, all set within an ‘Agile development’ concept. I know it sounds like jargon, it will make a lot more sense on Monday I swear.

What’s coming up?

Next week I’m off to a meeting concerning a PhD and then we’re off to Copenhagen for a long weekend. We’ll be back in Scotland just in time for my birthday! So excited!

What have you been up to lately?xx

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