13 In Expat Life

Expat Diaries | August in Scotland

Okay we all say it and I honestly write it every month, but it feels like August just passed in a blur. We have been so busy, I’m actually glad the month is over and we finally have a breather. It was a fantastic month of August in Scotland, full of victories and adventures, but god I’m tired! I also got really under the weather last weekend, so I’m glad to be feeling better to be starting a new month!

Here’s what I’ve been up to lately: 

>> We started the month in the Netherlands for a long weekend. It was such a good time. It was sunny the whole time, we visited loads and generally enjoyed ourselves.

>> While I’d been to Amsterdam before (for 1 day 10 years ago), it was lovely to go back in the summer and be also to discover Leiden.  

>> While in the Netherlands, we also attended a wedding. It’s two friends of the Brit from St Andrews that got married and it was a beautiful little reception. It jumped between Dutch, Swedish and English so it was very multicultural.

>> A friend of mine from Canada and her boyfriend visited for nearly a week shortly after we came back from Leiden. It was a bit sad because we thought we’d already be in our new place, but it fell through literally the week after they booked their flight. So instead of a guest room, they stayed on our couch, but we still had tons of fun.

>> With them, we road tripped to Oban and into the Cairngorms National Park. We were lucky that the weather kept up while they were here.

>> The Brit finished his PhD! He finally got the go ahead from his supervisors and submitted on his birthday. This was after nearly four days of proofreading (I was very thorough!). We’re waiting on his viva date now, so he officially becomes Dr.

>> We celebrated the Brit turning 30! This was a big one, but he doesn’t like attention, so we kept it low key. Dinner out and delicious homemade cake!

>> We attended a ceilidh. It was so much fun, but oh god we were sweaty by the end! 

>> We also went to see the Scottish band Skippinish in concert in Stirling. It was fun, but I realised it wasn’t totally my kind of music – or perhaps it was the venue that was lacking. Something didn’t feel quite right. Thanksfully, they kept the best songs for last! 

>> To end the month beautifully, we went to the end of festival fireworks in Edinburgh, courtesy of some of our friends. It was beautiful and we’re already planning to go back next year!

What have you been up to lately? Any big plans for September?xx

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