0 In Expat Life

Autumnal thoughts in Scotland

December has just started and I’m looking forward to the festive season! In Scotland, it feels like winter is settling in, with snow capped mountains, the Edinburgh Christmas market, and the dark and cold that has enveloped us.

Personally life is plodding on, passing by much too quickly as usual. I realised it’s been a while since I wrote a life update (or even blogged at all…). Last time was in August, when we’d just returned from a long weekend in Germany and I was starting a new job. 

Since then, the Brit and I have been incredibly busy with work (mostly him..) so in our spare time we’ve tried to enjoy a bit of slow-living to relax and spend quality time together. I spend my evenings cooking nice food, and reading instead of watching telly or running around to attend events. 

Through it all, the last three months have been incredibly packed! 

I’ve been to Iceland. Twice! I’ve been lucky that because my new job’s headquarters are based in Iceland, it means I’ve had the chance to go twice for work (August and October). We did squeeze in a little bit of sightseeing too! 

I took part in the Race for Life Pretty Muddy event in Edinburgh. I finished the 5k race with obstacles in about 40mins. It was fun but personally it wasn’t much of a challenge after the triathlon. 

My training partner and I took part in our first aquathlon! It was so fun! We did finish last… but I was so pleased with my time that I didn’t care! I swam the 750m in about 20mins and ran 5k in 35mins. Very proud of myself!

We attended an Oktoberfest party at our German friend’s house and I won best costume, which is hilarious for a charity-shop-hand-made dirndl. 

In the last few weeks I’ve gotten back into reading, after eating up The Secret History, Americanah, Lean In, The Adventures and Discoveries of a Feminist Bride and Running Like a Girl.

We had a girl night out in Glasgow when we went to see Florence and the Machine in concert at the SSE Hydro. It was really fun! Although since none of us had been to a concert in Britain before, we did show up waaaaay too early lol. 

photo from my friend H.

A friend and I went off to Estonia for a long weekend. As I wrote about Estonia for my job, I was so inspired that I looked up flights and for £32 return I was sold. It was a great wee place and I’ll be sharing a blog post when I have time to go through my photos. 

And the new job is going fabulous! I’ve recently been made permanent and I love it so much. First time ever I see myself as a useful part of a company in a long-term vision. 

I know I’m forgetting so much, but these have been the highlights! I know I haven’t been blogging much, but with my job being so focused on writing and blogging I’m getting my share of it at work so I’m trying to let go of the pressure to constantly blog. I’ll try to catch up a bit in the weeks to come, especially with some holidays coming up! 

Hope you’ve had a lovely autumn!xx

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