Hi! Happy Friday!
I hope you’re all well! I’ve been trying to get back on the blogging bandwagon lately, because I truly miss it and I want to start refostering a community around this little site. I love getting in touch with new expats, whether they live in Scotland, the UK or abroad, or with bloggers from Scotland, with travel bloggers from everywhere, to lifestyle bloggers to entrepreneurs and writers. It is one of the best things about blogging.
This month kind of marks two special blogiversaries:
1. I started blogging two years ago from the boring comfort of my parents’ home in Montreal. You can see the vestiges of this in my archive if you go back as far as January 2014.
2. This also marks one year since I rebranded and relaunched my now self-hosted blog under the name Adventitious Violet. I’m still not bored by that name!
I thought that would be the perfect time to share the two biggest blogging lessons I’ve learnt from two years of blogging, and yes they are super obvious, but need to be said:
LESSON #1 You do you
Though aesthetic is important, though blogging can take a lot of time, though you need good photos and good writing, the one single most important thing about blogging is: you do you! I read so many blog posts about how to write the perfect blog, have a perfect design, a perfect schedule, social media response, etc. and to be honest with you, it’s exhausting! I love blogging but all those things aren’t me! I love blogs that are personable, where people do their own thing and their personality really shines through.
I love my massively purple aesthetic and my blog name that is a bit weird and unknown to people. I love writing absolutely verbose posts – hopefully some of you take the time to read it – and I love beautiful photos, though I’m definitely an amateur photographer.
You do you and keep being awesome!
LESSON #2 Bloggers are awesome
This almost goes without saying – I’ve met my fair share of bloggers in the past two years, and I look forward to meeting more! I just love how easy it is to bond, especially if you blog about similar things. I’ve met people whose blogs I was following and it’s so funny to met in person and I’ve kept in touch with most of them, across oceans and continents. It’s always funny when everyone takes out their camera, when you can get advice or simply complain about something that someone else has also experienced. It’s great to think that there are friends who get that part of your life out there.
Blogging is a great way to connect and making that connection IRL is even better too!
Thank you and keep on blogging, world!xx