Hiya! Well my 10th month in Scotland sure was an intense one!
7.00 – Time I arrived back in the UK on the morning of 1 July. In true Quebec fashion I was missing Canada Day. I spent a few hours in London before flying to Glasgow where I was reunited with the Brit. It was also the #hottestdayoftheyear in Britain. Glad I saw it so I could believe it 😉
Half a day of lounging. I only had half a day to get over the worst flight of my life and catching up with the Brit before heading back to work. Thankfully July was a quiet month at work!
2 of my favourite Canadians. Two days later I had my two favourite Canadians over at the flat for dinner and shenanigans. They are both moving back temporarily to Canada so it was a nice little reunion before we are separated again.
5 amazing people came along to a small birthday party. On the Sunday I had some belated birthday celebrations in Edinburgh, over an afternoon tea at Eteaket tea room. Hm delicious!
2 important skype chats. I had a huge homesickness breakdown a few days later. Things in Stirling were feeling rough and I missed living in a healthy environment where I have friends and family. Thankfully my parents and some friends were able to skype me and give me some advice and despite some tears, I felt better by the end of the day. 4 hours wandering around a world heritage site. We checked one more item off our bucket lists – we visited another one of Scotland’s world heritage site when we spend an afternoon in New Lanark.
Too many feelings to count. We passed by St Andrews for the British Open – though that day the high winds had stopped the play and so there wasn’t much going on except for grown men wearing pink being completely drunk in the various pubs around town. Thankfully we both caught up with some friends and that always makes our day.
2 new people met. We spent a lovely day in Glasgow as well – and even had tea/cake with a future St Andrews student and her husband. Always good to meet new people!
2 cushion + 1 blanket + 5 actors + 1 historic site = a great night of theatre under the stars. We even went out on a spur of the moment idea to go and watch a performance of Pride & Prejudice in the Queen’s Garden of Stirling Castle. A cold, but absolutely lovely evening.
An amazing evening watching Pride & Prejudice in the Queen’s garden of Stirling Castle #stirling #scotland #theatre #outdoor #performance #prideandprejudice A photo posted by Camila (@caminioca) on
31 days of Instagram madness as I hosted my first challenge with Marcella!
Thankfully, the emotional month that July was ended and turned into August. You may have noticed on my Instagram that we spent our first weekend of August in the Highlands, and that was definitely kicking the month into gear the right way! *I’m also realising how terribly late I am in posting about my various trips – will try to catch up soon!
How was your month of July? Looking forward to anything in particular for August?xx
You can catch up on my other months here:
First Month in Scotland by the Numbers
Second month in Scotland by the Numbers
Third Month in Scotland by the Numbers
Fourth Month in Scotland by the Numbers
Fifth Month in Scotland by the Numbers
Sixth Month in Scotland by the Numbers
Seventh Month in Scotland by the Numbers
Eight Month in Scotland by the Numbers
Ninth Month in Scotland by the Numbers
Linking up with the wonderful girls at Travel Tuesday.